The LMSPodcast series consists of interviews with people who use learning management systems. It primarily focuses on the Blackboard learning management system, but other systems are also covered. And most of the discussion is not specific to any one learning management system.

Monday, May 12, 2008

LMS 41 David Carter-Tod, Virginia CC System

Anyone who is part of the Blackboard community will be familiar with Davd Carter-Tod. As a Blackboard administrator, he wrote the Javascript that kept students from printing or copying tests. He has participated in the BLKBRD-L, giving his time to help other system admins and discuss important topics. In this interview he talks about his responsibilities now, as Information Systems Architect for the Information Technology Services of the Virginia Community College System. He also talks about his philosophy on applying upgrades and where he feels his systems should be relative to the current Blackboard release.
Listen to LMS41 (43 minutes)